La SADC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau est heureuse d’accueillir dans son équipe M. Anas Elkandoussi à titre de conseiller aux entreprises.  Sa solide formation en finance et contrôle de gestion et systèmes d’information lui permettra d’appuyer efficacement les entreprises du territoire de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau.

Tous les membres des permanents et du conseil d’administration de la SADC lui souhaitent la bienvenue et du succès dans ses nouvelles fonctions.

Elementor #5107

Assemblée Général Annuelle

Le 28 mai 2024 se tenait l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle de la SADC-Vallée-de-la-Gatineau.  La trentaine de personnes présentes à cette rencontre ont pu constater les résultats plus que probent de la Société au cours de l’année 2023-2024.  En effet, sur cette période, tout près de 1,2M$ ont été investis dans les entreprise du territoire entraînant ainsi des investissements totaux générés de plus de 2,6M$.  Pour la période de 5 ans, se terminant au 31 mars 2024, les investissements totaux générés sont de l’ordre de près de 13M$ pour des investissement d’un plus de 6,3M$.

Tous les détails sont disponibles ici  Rapport annuel 2023-2024- SADC

LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Government of Canada invests $245 million in renewal of commitment to SADCs and CAEs

LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Government of Canada invests $245 million in renewal of commitment to SADCs and CAEs

At its annual congress, the Réseau des SADC et CAE joined the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) in announcing new five-year funding agreements concluded between CED, the Réseau and Quebec’s 67 SADCs (sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités) and CAEs (centres d’aide aux entreprises).

These investments, totalling $245 million, will ensure that our organizations can continue to operate and to equitably deliver the main business lines of the SADCs and CAEs (local economic development and support and funding for entrepreneurs) throughout rural and semi-urban Quebec. The SADCs and CAEs will also be able to strengthen their work at the local level and enhance their efforts to address the economic issues that entrepreneurs are currently facing.

“Quebec’s regions are dealing with their own particular economic challenges, and the SADCs and CAEs are here to help them rise to meet those challenges,” said Pascal Harvey, President and General Director of the Réseau des SADC et CAE. “We have great ambitions for our regions. With our main business partner, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions, and in collaboration with local partners, we will continue to drive collective and business projects forward to success.”


Targeted investment to address issues facing entrepreneurs

This new agreement with the Government of Canada will enable SADCs and CAEs to create new financial products to help entrepreneurs tackle their priority economic issues, such as the digital and green transition and various aspects of business transfers and youth entrepreneurship.


Funding to strengthen our local efforts and draw on the Réseau’s vast network of national expertise

Each SADC and CAE will have access to $335,000 in additional funding to support its work in local economic development and technical support for entrepreneurs. The Réseau will receive an envelope as well, so it can strengthen its advisory role and provide more services to the 67 SADCs and CAEs, including by hiring new shared resources and providing increased support for optimizing business processes.

“SADCs and CAEs make a real difference in our communities and our businesses, all across Quebec,” said the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED. “For 29 years now, CED has been proud to be able to count on the Réseau and its members as true key partners in achieving prosperity in our regions and their businesses. Bravo to the professionals and volunteers in your organizations who are such attentive stewards of Quebec’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Overall, these new agreements will enable SADCs and CAEs to carry out their missions close to home while drawing on the expertise of the Réseau’s vast network to assist their local communities and entrepreneurs. Their efforts are skilled, personalized and people-focused, and they make a real difference to the development, the success and ultimately the survival of businesses. Just ask Pascale St-Amand, owner of Crèmerie du Potager in Rivière-du-Loup: “I got funding from the SADC, but more importantly, I got supportive guidance I could count on. I was impressed by my advisor, Sylvie, and her ability to look at the big picture. She helped me find a huge range of potential solutions for my business project.”


Some SADC and CAE impacts on Quebec’s economy

Investing in SADCs and CAEs pays off! According to an Aviseo Conseil study, between 2019 and 2023, SADCs and CAEs increased Quebec’s real GDP by $458 million. Of that total, $85 million came from our loan investments and $273 million was generated by the improved five-year survival rate of companies supported by SADCs and CAEs. A Statistics Canada study found that the five‑year survival rate for SADC and CAE clients was more than double that of other businesses.


About the Réseau des SADC et CAE

The Réseau des SADC et CAE is a network of 57 SADCs (sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités) and 10 CAEs (centres d’aide aux entreprises) that have been working in community economic development for more than 35 years. More than 1,000 professionals and volunteers support and provide funding to more than 10,000 entrepreneurs and 1,000 local economic development projects every year.  www.sadc-cae.ca


Community Futures Program (CFP)

This Canada-wide program supports local economic development and strengthens communities’ capacity to sustainably achieve their full potential. Its main objectives are:

  • Stability, economic growth and job creation
  • Diversified, competitive local economies in rural areas
  • Developing sustainable communities

For this program, CED provides financial support to the SADCs and CAEs that are working in community development in Quebec’s regions.



Christine Pilote, Director, Communications | Phone: 581-999-6363 | [email protected]



Board of Administrators is proud to announce the appointment of Pascal Harvey as president-general director and Pierre-Olivier Colas as assistant general director. These appointments are in line with governance changes aiming to put new wind in the sails of our network and ensure its position in Quebec’s economic development ecosystem.

“I would like to congratulate Pascal and Pierre-Olivier on their new positions,” said Vallier Daigle, President of the Board of Administrators. “As the Réseau’s general director for the past three years, Pascal has been an inspiring leader, rallying both our members and our board behind him. Pierre-Olivier has also been instrumental in the Réseau’s development, particularly by implementing major programs to address a range of economic challenges, such as sustainable development and the digital shift, and by catalyzing the development of partnerships and impactful programs.”

The Réseau des SADC et CAE is a highly active organization with a solid team, which is set to grow over the next few weeks. New positions are opening up to help support both our internal objectives and the needs of our external clients, entrepreneurs and partners. We are also lucky to count on the work, knowledge and dedication of the 400 professionals and 600 volunteers who drive our efforts and our mission: to be a central player in local economic development.

Pascal Harvey: President-General Director of the Réseau des SADC et CAE

In addition to his experience as Executive Director for the SADC de Charlevoix and in strategic positions in politics, Pascal is a seasoned communicator who has deftly thrown his leadership and public speaking skills behind our network. A passionate sports buff and sports writer on his own time, he understands team dynamics and knows how to guide a team to success. 

“SADCs and CAEs exist to support the economy in Quebec regions,” said Pascal. “Our employees’ and volunteers’ collective intelligence, both at the Réseau itself and in all of our locations across Quebec, will make us ever more present and responsive to the needs of entrepreneurs and communities.”

Pierre-Olivier Colas: Assistant General Director

A rallying leader, Pierre-Olivier was a strategic planning consultant for businesses and economic development organizations for nearly 10 years before joining the Réseau in 2019. Over the past five years, he has harnessed his vast experience and strategic mind to successfully lead a great number of projects and support and mobilize SADCs and CAEs to embrace and leverage a renewed sense of vibrancy. His credentials include a master’s in management and a specialization in sustainable development.

“Over the past five years, I’ve been lucky enough to collaborate with all 67 SADCs and CAEs and work with the Réseau’s team to build powerful solutions to drive the economic vitality of our regions,” said Pierre-Olivier. “The Réseau’s potential is endless, and I am so proud to be part of it all.”



The 57 SADCs (Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités) and 10 CAEs (Centres d’aide aux entreprises) have been working in community economic development for more than 40 years. The Réseau des SADC et CAE is made up of more than 1,000 professionals and volunteers who support and provide funding to more than 10,000 entrepreneurs and 1,500 local economic development projects every year. SADCs and CAEs offer entrepreneurs personalized, sustained support and flexible financing products that are tailored to their needs.

SADCs and CAEs receive financial support from Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions.

Follow the Réseau on Facebook.


Christine Pilote, Director, Communications | Phone: 581-999-6363 | [email protected]