The SADC de Baie-des-Chaleurs supports and finances the development of businesses in the Avignon and Bonaventure RCMs. It gives advice and supports business persons to whom it proposes financial and technical aid programs. The purpose of these programs is to encourage creation, the maintenance and development of employment through start-ups, modernization, the acquisition and expansion of businesses.
The SADC also actively participates in the economic development of communities by implementing, organizing and supporting initiatives and projects which allow communities to stimulate their socioeconomic development.
The SADC de Baie-des-Chaleurs is dedicated to stimulating the economic, social and environmental development of its community in consultation with socio-economic stakeholders, entrepreneurs and individuals.
The SADC de Baie-des-Chaleurs generates a positive impact on the vitality of communities and businesses.
To become a member, please contact us at [email protected], or by phone 418-759-1555, ext. 224.