Human Resources Management
Publish byDev SADC
ressources humaines
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Human resources management is an important component to ensure the success of a business. However, depending on the region, it can often be difficult to attract and retain employees, which adds to the multiple daily challenges faced by entrepreneurs.

If you’re having trouble with your human resources management, rest assured! There are several solutions and tools to help you improve it.

Time: the number-one enemy of your human resources management

Entrepreneurs often have two things in common: passion… and a lack of time! It’s mostly this second factor that harms the management of their human resources.

Since it’s impossible to invent time, you’ll have to find some! To do this, you can take stock of each of your tasks, along with their duration. That way, you’ll be able to check if your time is well distributed and—just maybe—free up a window.

This exercise is also interesting to do with your employees. Are they always busy? Could you free up one for a few hours a week to give you a hand with the human re-sources management? Sometimes, that’s all it takes

Get straight to the point

To be efficient in your human resources management, you need to have structured ideas. If you’re looking for employees, draw up a list of what you want and don’t want. That way, you’ll have a clear head when writing your job offer and conducting inter-views.

The same goes for managing your current employees. If you can verbalize your vision of things, it will be concise for them as well. You will thereby avoid potential conflicts.

That said, you won’t be able to have an enlightened vision without first asking yourself the right questions:

  • What do you want for your business in the next few years?
  • Have you established a growth strategy? If so, do you know how many additional employees you’ll need to achieve your goals?
  • Is there a job description for each position?
  • Is there a hiring procedure in place?

This type of simple questioning can go a long way toward creating an effective strate-gy. The advisors from your SADC or CAE can help you with your efforts.

Ask for help for better management of your human resources

Open-mindedness and communication are often a mark of good human resources management. If this doesn’t come naturally to you, that’s normal! Every entrepreneur has their strengths and weaknesses: they’re only human. Working on your shortcom-ings means investing in your business for the long term.

Don’t hesitate to contact the SADCs and CAEs in your region. By asking you the right questions, they will be able to diagnose your current situation and:

  • Discuss the possible options with you;
  • Provide you with simple and effective tools that will make a concrete difference;
  • Direct you to the right resources;
  • Etc.

Their advisors are local people who know and understand your reality. With them, you will be able to find realistic potential solutions for your human resources manage-ment. Solutions that match your needs.