Cash Budget Calculator

The cash budget serves as a vital management tool, enabling effective planning for both monetary inflows and outflows within a business. This process is crucial for determining the necessary cash levels required to maintain seamless operations. Additionally, it plays a key role in assessing the working capital requirements during the startup’s initial months.

Download our free calculator to incorporate it into your business plan.


Cash Budget Calculator


Cost and financing of the startup project

Starting a business is much more than launching a product or service: it also involves anticipating essential expenses for a successful start. Whether it’s purchasing equipment, setting up a location, or covering daily operating costs, accurately assessing your financial needs from the beginning will help you avoid surprises. With thoughtful planning, you’ll be able to estimate your costs precisely and structure your funding to support your business’s long-term growth.

Download our free calculator to determine your startup costs.

Free Template Business Model Canvas

Create a comprehensive and effective business matrix that will help you clearly define and execute your business strategy.

Practical tips:

  • Visualize: Draw your Business Model Canvas on a large board or use sticky notes to easily adjust the elements.
  • Be specific: Use concrete and specific examples from your business to fill each component.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t overcomplicate things; start with simple and detailed descriptions as you go.
  • Seek help: The advisors from the SADC and CAE are here to assist you in developing your business plan.

Cheat Sheet: Buying a Business

Il est crucial pour les entrepreneurs de prévoir et de surveiller les flux de trésorerie. Même une entreprise rentable peut vite se retrouver en difficulté faute de liquidités suffisantes pour financer ses opérations. Voici quelques trucs pour maximiser vos liquidités.

Guide: How to write effective prompts for ChatGPT or Copilot

Un prompt est l’instruction ou la question que vous posez à l’intelligence artificielle. En fournissant des consignes claires et détaillées, vous obtenez des réponses précises et adaptées à vos besoins. Voici un outil pour rédiger des prompts efficaces à tout coup!

Free financial forecast template

Les prévisions financières estiment les revenus, dépenses et profits futurs de votre entreprise. Elles sont essentielles pour planifier, gérer et évaluer votre performance financière, tout en facilitant l’obtention de financements. Téléchargez nos modèles gratuits de prévisions financières pour préparer votre avenir avec confiance.

Examples of Best Practices in Sustainable Development

To help you integrate sustainable development best practices within your business or community, we provide downloadable fact sheets showcasing successful sustainable development initiatives.

These success stories are grouped by industry sectors. Click to download the relevant fact sheet.

Tools to prepare for the sale of a business

Un transfert d’entreprise ça ne s’improvise pas. Voici des outils pour vous aider à préparer la vente de votre entreprise.

Tools for preparing to buy a business

Un transfert d’entreprise ça ne s’improvise pas. Voici des outils pour vous aider à préparer l’achat d’une entreprise.