Bois JL – Business Portrait
Publié par Lyne Lebrasseur
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Jacki Leblanc founded the wood processing company Bois JL in May 2018 at Carleton-sur-Mer. Since then, a growing clientele of sawmills, building contractors and individuals use his quality wood products. A conversation with Jacki about his business, which obtained support from the Baie-des-Chaleurs SADC.


A Thumbnail Sketch of the Company

Bois JL uses local wood (e.g. cedar, spruce, aspen and tamarack) to make quality products such as doors, strips, mouldings and solid wood beams. The company also features exotic wood for furniture makers. Employing from five to six workers annually, it also distributes Groupe Lebel products.

What Distinguishes Your Company?

Bois JL is distinguished by the quality of its products and its competitive prices. “There is no middleman. I saw and sell the wood. This is why our prices are so much lower” he explained. “We use a lot of aspen, which is not really well known. We saw it differently. Once dried, we straighten it up and it is really nice wood, useful for panelling.”

Why Did You Decide to be in Business?  

”I’ve been dreaming of that since I was 20 years old!” said Jacki in an outburst. I was 46 years old, I had to do it. My mother was also in business.” He really enjoys his new role as an entrepreneur. “Total happiness!”

What did SADC Support Mean to You?

“I got a loan when I started my business”, mentioned Jacki, and technical help to create my Facebook page. He really appreciated the support he received. “This helped me to feel secure,” he confided. “When I borrowed once again later on, I did it with the SADC.”

Tell us About Something You Recently Were Especially Proud to do as an Entrepreneur.

“I purchased a machine to alleviate some of the work being performed by the men” affirmed Jacki. “This is a precision trimmer. Before that, we would saw bundles of wood with a chainsaw. The men work less hard with the trimmer. It also makes a better quality product with very precise measurements.”

What Advice Would You Give to Someone Who Wants to Start a Business in the Baie-des-Chaleurs Region?

According to Jacki, you have to know how to get the right type of support and to knock on the right doors. In addition to the SADC, the MRC Avignon gave him precious assistance. “The MRC gave me a helping hand for the business plan. I was given good advice.”



About Jacki Leblanc

Having first started his career as an electrician, Jacki Leblanc wanted to do something else. Because of his love for wood, he founded Bois JL in 2018 at Carleton-sur-Mer (Saint-Omer district).