Cash Budget Calculator

The cash budget serves as a vital management tool, enabling effective planning for both monetary inflows and outflows within a business. This process is crucial for determining the necessary cash levels required to maintain seamless operations. Additionally, it plays a key role in assessing the working capital requirements during the startup’s initial months.

Download our free calculator to incorporate it into your business plan.


Cash Budget Calculator


Cost and financing of the startup project

Starting a business is much more than launching a product or service: it also involves anticipating essential expenses for a successful start. Whether it’s purchasing equipment, setting up a location, or covering daily operating costs, accurately assessing your financial needs from the beginning will help you avoid surprises. With thoughtful planning, you’ll be able to estimate your costs precisely and structure your funding to support your business’s long-term growth.

Download our free calculator to determine your startup costs.

Free Template Business Model Canvas

Create a comprehensive and effective business matrix that will help you clearly define and execute your business strategy.

Practical tips:

  • Visualize: Draw your Business Model Canvas on a large board or use sticky notes to easily adjust the elements.
  • Be specific: Use concrete and specific examples from your business to fill each component.
  • Keep it simple: Don’t overcomplicate things; start with simple and detailed descriptions as you go.
  • Seek help: The advisors from the SADC and CAE are here to assist you in developing your business plan.

SADC and CAE of Quebec: Acting for the future with regional SMEs

The Québec Réseau des SADC and CAE is an essential organization in the economic development of the regions. Looking resolutely towards the future, it today has new resources that enable its members to support more SMEs.

Source: Le Soleil Affaires – October 2024

The new strategic plan of the Réseau des SADC and CAE displays a renewed dynamism largely thanks to the investments from the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec, which recently reaffirmed its commitment to the Réseau as a major partner in regional economic development. “An investment of $245 million over five years is significant. This will not only strengthen the intervention capacity of SADC and CAE but also enrich the Youth Strategy Fund aimed at entrepreneurs aged 39 and under. Additionally, $40 million is allocated to create three new funds with attractive terms—one of which includes a two-year interest holiday—to support projects for business transfers, green transitions, and digital transformations,” specifies Pierre-Olivier Colas, Assistant General Director of the Réseau des SADC et CAERenowned for their agility in working closely with entrepreneurs and communities, the SADC and CAE now have more means to pursue their ambitions. “These new available funds represent a true opportunity to strengthen the interventions of SADC and CAE and thus provide regional SMEs with more possibilities. It’s unnecessary to recall that regional small businesses are often overlooked; our programs offer tailored support and financing, essential for ensuring their sustainability and thus energizing the economy of all regions in Quebec,” specifies Pierre-Olivier Colas.


The recent appointments of Pascal Harvey as President and CEO and Pierre-Olivier Colas as Assistant Director General—who has been in office since 2019—also express a clear desire to strengthen the positioning of the Network within the economic development ecosystem in Quebec. A leadership position confirmed by a preliminary study conducted by Aviseo Conseil to assess the organization’s impact.

“From 2019 to 2023, the action of SADC and CAE have resulted in an increase in Quebec’s real GDP of $458 million, of which $85 million directly results from our investment in loans,” claims Pascal Harvey. What is the CEO most proud of? “That $273 million have been generated by the increase in the survival rate after the first five years of the businesses we support,” confirms Pascal Harvey. A study by Statistics Canada even demonstrates that the survival rate of businesses is more than double among SADC and CAE clients.



    • 67 SADC and CAE
    • 1,000 professionals and volunteers
    • Each year: 10,000 entrepreneurs supported and financed, 1,500 local economic development projects
    • Over $100M invested in the regions


The Government of Canada reiterates its commitment to the SADCs and CAEs and invests $245 million

The Government of Canada reiterates its commitment to the SADCs and CAEs and invests $245 million


As part of its annual congress, the Network of SADCs and CAEs announces today, alongside the Honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for Economic Development Canada for the regions of Quebec, new five-year contribution agreements between EDC and the Network and the 67 SADCs (Community Economic Development Corporations) and CAEs (Entrepreneurship Development Centers) in Quebec.

These total investments of $245 million will ensure the functioning of our organizations and equitably deliver, across the rural and semi-urban regions of Quebec, the primary lines of business of SADCs and CAEs, namely local economic development, support, and financing for entrepreneurs. The SADCs and CAEs will also strengthen their local interventions, particularly by enhancing their actions to address the current economic challenges faced by entrepreneurs.

“The regions of Quebec face unique economic challenges, and the SADCs and CAEs are here to help them tackle these issues. We have ambition for our regions, and with our main business partner, Economic Development Canada for the regions of Quebec, along with local partners, we will continue to drive collective and business projects toward success,” states Pascal Harvey, President and CEO of the Réseau des SADC et CAE.


Targeted investments to address entrepreneurs’ challenges

This new agreement with the Government of Canada will allow SADCs and CAEs to create new financial products to help entrepreneurs address their key economic issues, such as the green and digital transition, as well as challenges related to business transfer and youth entrepreneurship.


Funding to strengthen our local interventions and leverage a vast national network of expertise

Each SADC and CAE will have access to additional funds of $335,000 to enhance its interventions in local economic development and technical assistance for entrepreneurs. A portion will also be allocated to the Network to strengthen its advisory role and offer more services to the 67 SADCs and CAEs, notably through the hiring of new shared resources and increased support in optimizing their business processes.

“SADCs and CAEs make a real difference in our communities and businesses throughout Quebec. EDC is proud to count on the Network and its members, true key partners, for the prosperity of our regions and their businesses for now 29 years. Kudos to the professionals and volunteers of your organizations who closely attend to the needs of the Quebec entrepreneurial ecosystem,” states the Honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for EDC.

In summary, these new agreements will allow SADCs and CAEs to continue their mission within their communities while relying on the expertise of a vast national network for the benefit of communities and entrepreneurs. A competent, personalized, and human action that truly contributes to the development, success, and ultimately, the survival of businesses, as testified by Pascale St-Amand, owner of La Crèmerie du Potager in Rivière-du-Loup: “I found funding at the CEDC, but more importantly, I was able to count on compassionate support. I was impressed by my advisor Sylvie’s comprehensive vision, who opened up a multitude of solution pathways for my business project.”


Some impacts of SADCs and CAEs on the Quebec economy

Investments within SADCs and CAEs yield results! According to a study conducted by Aviseo Conseil for the period of 2019 to 2023, SADCs and CAEs have led to an increase in Quebec’s real GDP of $458 million, of which $85 million comes from our loan investments and $273 million is generated by the increased survival rate of businesses supported by SADCs andCAEs after five years. Let’s recall that a Statistics Canada study shows this business survival rate is more than double among our clientele.


About the Network of SADCs and CAEs

The Network of SADCs (Community Economic Development Corporations) and CAEs (Entrepreneurship Development Centers) brings together 57 SADCs and 10 CAEs that have been working for over 35 years on the economic development of their communities. More than 1,000 professionals and volunteers support and finance over 10,000 entrepreneurs and 1,000 local economic development projects every year.

Follow the Network on Facebook,

The Community Development Program (CDP)

This pan-Canadian program supports local economic development and strengthens the capacity of communities to realize their full potential sustainably. The main objectives of this program are:

  • stability, economic growth, and job creation;

  • diversified and competitive local economies in rural areas;

  • the development of sustainable communities.

Through this program, EDC financially supports the SADCs and CAEs that work on community development in the regions of Quebec.

Christine Pilote, Director of Communications | Tel: 581 999-6363 | [email protected]

Flexi‑loan for women

Shawinigan, le 8 janvier 2024 – En présence de l’honorable François-Philippe Champagne, ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie du Canada et député de Saint-Maurice-Champlain, le Réseau des SADC et CAE du Québec et la SADC Shawinigan annoncent aujourd’hui la mise en place du projet d’expérimentation, Flexiprêt pour les femmes, qui vise à offrir de l’accompagnement et du financement adapté aux flexipreneures, soit les femmes entrepreneures à temps partiel des régions du Québec.

Au nom de l’honorable Marcia Ien, ministre de Femmes et Égalité des genres et de la Jeunesse, Monsieur Champagne, a affirmé son soutien au projet et l’investissement de 296 000 $ sur trois ans pour en assurer le déploiement. En plus de l’accompagnement, au total, plus de 1,5 M$ seront investis par les 11 SADC et CAE participants afin d’offrir des prêts aux flexipreneures.

Le directeur général du Réseau des SADC et CAE, monsieur Pascal Harvey, souligne l’importance de la mise en place d’un projet spécifique pour cette clientèle : « Les petites entreprises sont au cœur de l’économie des régions et plusieurs, surtout celles à propriété féminine, voient le jour sous forme de projet à temps partiel. Il est temps de mettre en lumière cette forme d’entrepreneuriat et d’offrir des mesures flexibles et adaptées à cette réalité. »

Un projet pour faire grandir leurs rêves à leur façon

Le projet d’expérimentation Flexiprêt pour les femmes mobilise l’expertise de 11 SADC et CAE de partout au Québec. Inspirés d’une étude sur l’entrepreneuriat féminin réalisée par la SADC de Shawinigan et en ouvrant le dialogue avec les flexipreneures, ils développeront des activités d’accompagnement pour des centaines de femmes de divers horizons, en plus d’offrir du financement à des conditions avantageuses.

Flexiprêt pavera aussi la voie à une meilleure viabilité des entreprises détenues par des femmes, ce qui créera en retour croissance, innovation et productivité, procurant ainsi des avantages économiques et sociaux plus importants au Québec. Tout au long de ce projet, des données quantitatives et qualitatives seront cumulées, afin d’établir des constats et des recommandations pour faire lever les obstacles rencontrés par les flexipreneures tout au long de leur parcours entrepreneurial.

Le flexipreneuriat : un phénomène en croissance

Le flexipreneuriat est un phénomène en croissance au Québec, et a connu une plus forte augmentation chez les femmes au cours des dernières années. Selon les plus récentes données du Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring, 72,3% des entrepreneurs émergeants au Québec œuvrent à temps partiel.

Rappelons que le terme flexipreneure a été créé par la SADC Shawinigan pour décrire une personne qui mène des activités entrepreneuriales à temps partiel tout en jonglant avec une autre occupation, comme un emploi ou des études. Le terme a été inspiré par les données d’une étude de la SADC qui démontrait que les femmes ne se reconnaissaient pas dans la définition typique du terme entrepreneur au Québec. C’est aussi pour cette raison qu’elles hésitent à demander de l’accompagnement et du financement.


« Promouvoir la participation du plus grand nombre de femmes à notre économie n’est pas seulement la bonne chose à faire, il s’agit de la chose intelligente à faire. C’est pourquoi notre gouvernement est fier de soutenir la Société d’aide au développement des collectivités (SADC) Shawinigan dans la mise en place de ce projet ambitieux. En plus d’assurer la pleine participation des femmes entrepreneures à notre économie en leur offrant les meilleurs outils possibles pour prospérer et s’épanouir, il participe à encourager l’innovation au cœur même de la Mauricie. »

L’honorable François-Philippe Champagne, ministre de l’Innovation, des Sciences et de l’Industrie 

« Notre gouvernement s’est engagé à soutenir les femmes pour qu’elles prennent davantage leur place dans l’économie canadienne. Je suis donc extrêmement fière de l’appui de DEC aux SADC et aux CAE du Québec pour la mise en place du projet pilote Flexiprêt. Celui-ci permettra aux femmes de réaliser leur rêve d’être entrepreneure tout en donnant le meilleur d’elles-mêmes. Grâce à cet appui, nous leur permettons de jouer un rôle majeur dans la croissance de nos régions. »

L’honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, ministre du Tourisme et ministre responsable de Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec (DEC)

« Nous sommes fiers aujourd’hui de lancer ce projet pilote national en partenariat avec le Réseau des SADC et CAE du Québec. Le travail que nous avons réalisé depuis 2015 afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux des femmes entrepreneures nous permettra de mieux adapter nos services et notre financement et d’aider ces femmes à réaliser leur rêve entrepreneurial. Nous espérons grandement qu’au terme de notre projet pilote, nous pourrons éventuellement partager notre expertise et développer une offre de services sur mesure partout au Québec. »

Simon Charlebois, directeur général, Société d’aide au développement des collectivités Shawinigan

SADC et CAE participants

–        CAE Haute-Yamaska et région

–        CAE Montmagny-L’Islet

–        SADC Charlevoix, Côte-de-Beaupré, Île d’Orléans

–        SADC Chibougamau-Chapais

–        SADC Côte-Nord

–        SADC de l’Amiante

–        SADC de la Neigette

–        SADC des Îles-de-la-Madeleine

–        SADC Maskinongé

–        SADC Shawinigan

–        SADC Vallée de la Batiscan



Les 57 SADC (Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités) et les 10 CAE (Centres d’aide aux entreprises) travaillent depuis plus de 40 ans au développement économique de leur collectivité. Le Réseau des SADC et CAE compte plus de 1 000 professionnels et bénévoles qui soutiennent et financent chaque année plus de 10 000 et 1 500 projets de développement économique local. Les SADC et les CAE offrent aux un accompagnement personnalisé et soutenu, ainsi que des produits de financement souples et adaptés à leurs besoins.


Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec appuie financièrement les SADC et les CAE.


La SADC Shawinigan est un organisme à but non lucratif qui a été fondé en 1984. Elle a comme mission de mettre en œuvre, de gérer ou de soutenir des projets pour favoriser le développement économique et social de sa collectivité.

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Amélie Racette, Coordonnatrice Flexiprêt pour les femmes | Tél. : 819 537-5107 p.220 | [email protected]

Soutenir l'entrepreneuriat féminin à temps partiel, les flexipreneures des régions du Québec.

Canadian Digital Adoption Program

In the ongoing search for alternatives aimed at contributing to Quebec’s economic and social growth, the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ), the Réseau des Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités and the Centres d’aide aux entreprises (SADCs & CAEs) have joined their efforts in supporting activities that make it easier for Quebec’s small businesses to adopt digital technology and in providing employment and training opportunities to young people and graduates.

To contribute to the implementation of this new project, we are looking for students and recent graduates throughout Quebec showing a strong capacity to be proactive, a high level of continuous improvement and an enviable ability to work in a team to fulfill the position of e-commerce advisor.
Don’t miss this opportunity to sharpen and demonstrate your skills
This experience will give you the opportunity to obtain training in the following areas:
• Become acquainted with various e-commerce solutions and related tools.
• Understand the basics of cyber security.
• Deepen your understanding of the “Grow Your Business Online” grant.
• Develop your persuasive oral communications skills.
• Demonstrate your autonomy and dynamic behaviour.
• Demonstrate your analytical skills and abilities to summarize.
• Strengthen your organizational skills and abilities to set priorities and raise any related issues.
Specific requirements:
• Be a graduated high school student planning to pursue post-secondary educations.
• Currently enrolled in a post-secondary program or recently graduated from a post-
secondary program.
• Knowledge of Quebec employers’ concerns would be an asset.

Role and responsabilities
The ideal candidate for this position of advisor has to provide a level of expertise to support Quebec businesses, in particular SMEs, in identifying their e-commerce and workforce issues. The ideal candidate will be involved in business needs analysis using a diagnostic and promote companies’ participation in the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) and in other programs based on their needs.
Main tasks:
• Target businesses to help them participate in the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP).
• Conduct a diagnostic to identify the e-commerce and workforce issues SMEs are facing.
• Analysis of business needs and identification of programs and projects in line with identified needs.
• Facilitate companies’ access to the various programs and regional services providers to support their needs
• Help companies take advantage of the “Grow Your Business Online” grant.
• Any other related tasks.

Work conditions and benefits:
• Full-time or part-time.
• Working remotely.
• Contract of employment.
• Competitive comprehensive compensation (sick leave, summer schedule, etc.).
• Dynamic work environment with many avenues and learning opportunities.

How to apply?
Send us your curriculum vitae to the following email address: [email protected].
Only selected candidates will be contacted.