Agenda Fleuriste: Business Portrait
Publish byLyne Lebrasseur
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Kim Lavigne acquired Agenda Fleuriste, in Maria, in July 2019. Since then, she enlivens her clients’ daily grind with her flowers, plants, helium balloons and various gifts. A discussion with this entrepreneur.


In what way is your business unique?

“When I purchased the business, my goal was to have a large variety of plants so people could find [types] they did not already have” mentioned Kim. In April, she started up a Facebook group called “Les VIP des plantes d’Agenda Fleuriste,” which features inside information about plants received or expected. This businesswoman strives to meet the needs of her clientele and to respect it, while having a friendly atmosphere in her boutique also counts a lot for her.

How did support from the SADC help you?

“It allowed me to finalize my project.” Kim specified that she had the support of the MRC, the SADC, Desjardins Micro-Credit and of the former owner to purchase her business. The SADC then offered her financing for a transactional website in addition to web marketing training. Kim appreciated the fact that the SADC suggested that she attend the Circular Economy Rendezvous last April. “It was really interesting. It did me a lot of good!”

Tell us about a recent noteworthy achievement of which you are especially proud as an entrepreneur (ex.: in the field of sustainable development). 

Right from the beginning, “getting an electric delivery vehicle!” Kim gradually made other changes. “Before that, flowers were wrapped in plastic. Now it’s 95% Kraft paper.” In addition, when she can, she brings back flowering cactus plants which grow in Québec. When this was being written, Kim was considering collaborating with a company in the Gaspésie region to sell biological and local flowers when in season.

What advice would you give to anyone who is considering starting up a business in the Baie-des-Chaleurs region?

“Having confidence, forging ahead, one step at a time, even if it may seem to be a large mountain! I had good support.” According to Kim, there are some great resources in the region. Good persons accompanied me. Going to see another entrepreneur or the MRC is always a good idea.”