A partner for the implementation of a collective project?

A partner for the implementation of a collective project?
Do you have a project that promotes economic dynamism and vitality in your region? Take action with your SADC or CAE. To ensure that our communities are more prosperous, each year we carry out, support, and finance over 1000 collective projects that contribute to the growth of sustainable businesses and jobs in Quebec's regions. Our strong understanding of our communities and our expertise make us your essential strategic partner for the realization of your local projects.
All SADCs and CAEs provide local development services as well as support and funding for businesses. The services may vary from one region to another, as their actions aim to address the economic challenges of their community.
Tips and tools
At every stage of your entrepreneurial journey, good advice and wise counselors can greatly ease your efforts. With our 40 years of expertise, you'll find valuable tips and the best tools here.
Le Réseau
Since 1995, our network has been the hub for SADCs and CAEs organizations. We ensure the sharing and development of expertise and innovative tools related to their three lines of business: economic development, financing, and support for entrepreneurs.

We are also a development network that, in collaboration with various partners, implements projects or programs to address the economic challenges in Quebec, particularly in digital, sustainable development, succession planning, and support for women's entrepreneurship.
Le SADC et CAE travaillent depuis plus de 40 ans au développement économique des régions du Québec. Plus 400 professionnels et 600 bénévoles soutiennent des projets et des entreprises innovantes pour des collectivités prospères.


10 000+


1 500+




Notre impact économique 2019-2023
Nous contribuons à une augmentation du PIB réel du Québec de près

d’un demi-milliard de dollars

Nous avons un impact sur les revenus des gouvernements de

212 M$