Support for Selling Your Business
Publié par Dev SADC
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Selling your business isn’t a decision to be taken lightly! Retirement, a new entrepreneurial project, or a return to the job market as an employee: no matter what motivates an owner to sell their business, the right resources and coaching can make all the difference to get through this step smoothly

Selling a small business: where to start?
  • What are the motivations that are driving the owner to sell their business? Are they circumstantial or final?
  • Is the economic context favourable for selling the business or could the small business have more value in a few months or a few years?
  • If the business is struggling, are options other than selling possible or desirable to rectify the situation?
  • What elements could be improved before the transaction to increase the value or appeal of the business?
  • Has a potential buyer already been identified?
Selling your business at its fair value

To sell a small business, determining the value is the crux of the issue. Many owners choose to be closely supported for this decisive step. After all, the value of a small business rests on a multitude of factors that are not always easy to quantify:

  • Financial situation of the business and its competitiveness in the industry
  • Economic conditions and market status
  • Tangible and intangible assets: employees, sales force and distribution network, inventory, real estate, customers, digital presence and technological assets, intellectual property, etc.
  • Reputation of the business
  • Growth potential
  • Governance structure in place
  • And so much more!

That’s why, to sell your business and get a fair price, it’s best to be supported by professionals and benefit from an objective outside perspective

Guidance in total confidentiality

Selling your business is a strategic and delicate commercial transaction. When they support business leaders in these large-scale initiatives, SADCs and CAEs do so in total confidentiality and with a high degree of professionalism. Thanks to their knowledge of the field, they are in a good position to match sellers with buyers. This is what makes them partners of choice. Get in touch with your local SADC or CAE to sell a small business with peace of mind regarding the hurdles to be overcome

Tools and guides to ensure the success of the sale of a business

(this tool is available in french only)

(this tool is available in french only)