
Réseau des SADC + CAE

What are you looking for today?

Support for your business?

A partner for
the implementation of a
collective project?

Funding for your business?

the Réseau des SADC
et CAE

More than $100 million
invested this year
Once upon a time, there were people full of ideas who had a particular project. There were the passionate ones and there were also those who helped them.

Over 100 million dollars in annual investments

Support and expertise for your regional project

Discover all our latest news and updates here. You will also find content dedicated to entrepreneurs, such as tools and tips.
The next generation of entrepreneurs
For nearly 30 years, we have been developing initiatives to encourage young people to stay in their region or return to settle there. This includes designing or supporting projects aimed at fostering an entrepreneurial spirit among youth, as well as accompanying and financing entrepreneurs.